Our Corporate Headshots service captures the personality of your company. Today staff images are an integral part of any company’s story. A modern company presents its key personnel with fresh personal photos, which convey personality in addition to competence. People are looking for authenticity and a clear understanding of brand values when choosing companies to work with these days.
STOODIO’s story – How we became us
STOODIO was born in the spring of 2016, when we realized that there was no company in the Finnish market that could supply the consistent product images and videos needed by e-commerce, which are needed to be delivered quickly, effortlessly, and at the same time cost-effectively.
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LIVE – Still photos and video
Brands must continuously engage their customers by delivering quality content across all their different channels. It is good to deliver material suitable for your own brand to the web on a regular basis and thus remind customers, motivate them and give good ideas and put them in the right frame of mind to engage with …
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Vertical image, mannequin image, torso image, invisible mannequin image, floating image; this type of photography has many names.
Most of the clothes we photograph are photographed either on an mannequin or hanging freely on a hanger. This is often the best way to show the consumer or potential customer the product as it was designed. The product fits, hangs and looks exactly as you imagined it.
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Flatlay images always appeal!
Products photographed flat are often the most preferred method of showing products in online stores. With flat lay, you can shoot quickly, consistently, and cheaply. Especially accessories, children’s clothes, all packaging and product arrangements (knolling) are very popular with the flatlay technique.
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That’s right, someone is photographing these too…
In general, we do not quote product images in any way. They are such an essential part of our everyday life. A tube of toothpaste in a TV ad or shoelaces in a supermarket ad. It doesn’t immediately come to mind what kind of reflections there are in the tube or how the bands are …
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How we shoot toasters and children’s lamps
Each of us has sometimes seen annoyingly bad pictures in an online store, inaccurate and poorly lit… or pictures that don’t exist. The ones that would otherwise look like what the product really looks like from the back.. or is there a detail in this product that is important to me?
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Often the little things are forgotten or missed, but here it is all in one place:
Ask our sales about contract and volume discounts.
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What is DPI?… and why we do not use it.
There is a lot of confusion around DPI or dots per inch. We are often asked about what DPI our photos are, and sometimes we are asked to retake photos to be 300dpi. DPI does not equal quality or resolution in digital photos. DPI refers to the physical dot density of an image when printed. It is used …